The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
Your dreams were planted in your heart for a greater reason – to flourish and bloom in due season. I know the process and journey can be hard and we can become disillusioned and weary along the way (I have years of experience in that dark, discouraging place) but never give up on the purpose you were made for – those deeply rooted visions🌳 that make your heart race weren’t meant to just be imagined! They were made to be revived, nurtured, watered and harvested in just the right timing to bring nourishment, joy, and hope to the lives of others…
What is one dream you’ve been burying that it’s time to take steps toward? I’d love you to share in the comments – let’s build a network of dreams and share with one another. Writing your vision down is one step to make the vision clearer. This will help me to help you better on your journey. It’s time to arise and shine on purpose.
After I interned at The Cooper Institute and got my Master’s degree in public health I decided to combine my passion for creativity with this interest in wellness to create The Dreamer Rejuvenation Project. Health and wellness often seems boring and tedious to the creative mind (I’d rather be making art than slaving away at a treadmill!;), and science stiff and stuffy – but what if we saw the complexity of the human body as art, and as creatives took better care of our health not as a nuisance but as a creative undertaking and privilege.
I’ve been honing what the project will look like and will be sharing inspiration on treating the care of your health as an art form and appreciating your body for the intricate masterpiece it is, created with care and purpose. Stay tuned here and on Twitter for more inspiration!
As you hone your craft, take time to love the intricately crafted artwork you are…#ArtofHealth
— Julene Fleurmond MPH (@dreamfleur) February 24, 2015
You were created to create so make time each day to express the story and dreams in your heart! Share hope and joy in full color to inspire the hearts and lives of others. Arise and shine, dear Dreamer – dare to illuminate hope and live out the life you were made for…I believe in you! – Julene
Card and flowers? Yeah, they’re for you…I wanted to remind you of how valuable you are, beautifully made and filled with purpose. You are loved so much more than you can ever imagine or dream! Believe it.
I wish I could adequately describe just how much you are loved, so you could grasp how deep and wide, how long and high it goes, to know this love that surpasses knowledge, that’s better than life…
When I first discovered this love, more riveting than any fairy tale or dream, I came alive from deep sleep, like a princess awakened by a sweet kiss to her prince who risked his life defeating the dragon to break the curse and save me. I became a little girl again, dancing carefree with childlike awe, wonder, and whimsy, believing anything was possible – because it is…
To know that you are loved this much makes you realize your life is worth living on purpose, it gives you permission to play and freedom to dream. No matter where you find yourself in life, what darkness you’ve endured or your relationship status know this one thing – you are loved forever, more than you can imagine or dream and there’s nothing greater or more real than this love.
We all fall under two camps: some of us are happy to be alone and don’t want a relationship, while some of us are just wishing and waiting for the right guy or girl to come along any minute. But, all of us are missing out on true love. That true love always involves God because God is true love. When we feel unlovable, God sees us as being worthy. He seeks our own best and He bears all thing. He made the first move, making a way for us to experience the fullness of His love through Christ dying for us while we were still sinners. We may feel like we can’t be loved and want to resist it, but no matter what we’ve done, we can never outrun God’s true love for us.