The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
Congrats to Oprah and Selma’s director Ava DuVernay who are bringing a dream to life by teaming up for an original drama series on OWN based on Natalie Baszile’s debut novel, “Queen Sugar.” Looking forward to reading the book and watching the series- we so need more purpose-full stories to be told and this collaboration is an amazing one!
Here's to the ones who aren't afraid to dream big. See #AnnieMovie today!
I “met” Brenna Maples virtually through a program we’re both in, The Music Industry Blueprint (I highly recommend the program for anyone who has a dream of finder their artist as a singer!) I’ve featured her as an “Artist Who Inspires” and her song “Don’t Give Up” because of it’s inspiring message for anyone following their dreams. Here’s what Brenna told me about the song:
This is a song for everyone who has gone through or is going through a hard time in life. No matter what, don’t give up.
“Don’t Give Up” is a song I wrote about my grandpa’s life events. He is still living and survived all of that! I also wrote it to encourage my sister to not give up through her battle of cancer. She has been cancer free for over a year, but she is still looking for a donor for a kidney transplant. I told her to not give up and to stay strong! This song is also for everyone that is going through a hard time. I want the song to encourage them to stay strong through whatever life brings and to not give up!
You can follow Lila on Instagram as @FreshFitandFearless and on Be sure to check out the recipes featured, they look delish!
Olaf is definitely my favorite character from Frozen, and Charis Lincoln is one of my very favorites on Youtube so I loved seeing her Olaf-inspired fashion shoot, it’s too cute!
Check out more of Charis’ Disney and movie inspired looks at her channel: Charisma Star
Inspired by the Speak Up! project by bloggers Amber and Annie. Join the monthly Speak Up project here to start sharing your voice through video this year:
This beautiful purpose crafted and written for you, and those you are connected to, is more captivating than any fairy-tale, more riveting than an epic legend or film…So why do we constantly seek outward, aimless distraction, yearning for merit-less validation, entertaining meaningless excuses and powerless foes like fear that dull and pull us away from our real-life reverie?
This year is ours to be found and to seek, to create, dance and play on purpose with childlike belief, to cultivate, thrive and flourish, to shine and savor the love we were made for and finally live out that dream courageously. This 2015 we’re waiting in eager anticipation for you to come awake and realize the truth of who you were always meant to be…free. #ariseandshine #beYoutothefull #liveboldlyonPurpose #youareBeautiful #alwaysbelieve #youremadeformore