Empowering Youth to Dream and Fly Project
I mentioned before that I’m finishing up my doctoral program in leadership for youth – which is a fancy way to say I’m working on making the world a better place for kids. (Look I made it here to the home stretch, I almost quit
because I thought it wasn’t for me but then realized I was here for a greater purpose. School is the reason I had put my business and projects on pause for a long while so I could focus – so prepare to see more of me when I am set free). Though I was that nerdy bookworm who got good grades, school was never really my thing as an artistic ADD kid – part of the reason why I’m here to change the way things are for the next generation…
My motivation for getting through the program is that we’re creating something we can actually use and change lives with. The journey has been hard but surprisingly fun – I’ve gotten so inspired and found my passion to empower young people has grown even more. I get to work with kids every week and seeing the crazy pressures they go through in this world breaks my heart! So many of the kids go through a rough time at home, then they have pressures at school and with friends – so many ways for them to “turn up” and get in trouble…they’re so in need of positive role models and examples.
For my final project for school I’m working on my dream project and turning it into real life. My research is on how the arts can be used as a positive way to influence youth. I’ve always dreamed of creating a media organization that had only positive entertainment for young people – entertainment that inspired them to live a better life and helped them to become the changemakers in this world. So much of what’s in the media, the Internet, TV and in music today is so negative and it’s basically schooling kids in the wrong way. For my project, which is going beyond a school assignment into an actual living, breathing reality, I’m working with others to create entertainment with a greater purpose. This is kind of expanding on the work I did in undergrad at SMU when I got a grant to create workshops and a website to inspire kids to be creative and social entrepreneurs to change the world, DreamerENT.com. The goal now is to create positive original video content with substance, to begin with a fun but important “show” that delves into topics going on in the world today that affect young people (like my inspiration Oprah Winfrey did for me and my generation).
Pointers on the Pursuit of Purpose: Dream in Soul Magazine Interview with Life Coach Leslie Denman
Here’s an inspiring interview I did at my magazine for young adults DreaminSoul.com – I love what my friend Leslie Denman, a life coach, author and mentor, shares about discovering your purpose…
Society sometimes sets aside “teenhood” and the early twenties as those fun, carefree years – but what better opportunity to discover who you are and explore what you were made for when you don’t yet have all of the responsibilities that come later in life. Everyone has purpose and we as young people can serve God right where we are, impacting our friends, using our gifts and serving others in our corner of the world…
Leslie Denman is passionate about young people and helping them to find and pursue their purpose while they are young. She is a certified Life Purpose and Teen Empowerment Coach (in other words when it comes to purpose, she knows her stuff;) and the founder of the organization Girls Living Life On Purpose, Inc. based in Dallas, TX. In this Interview Coach Leslie gives pointers on pursuing God and purpose boldly right where you are…
Dream in Soul: Hi, can you tell us a little about you and what do you do?
Coach Leslie Denman: I am a believer passionate about empowering people for purpose. As a Christian Life Coach, I am a Missionary of Hope to the countless women and girls that God assigns to me. I partner with the Holy Spirit to bring about transformation to the lives of people through coaching, speaking and training. I have a wonderful husband of fourteen years and two beautiful daughters and my most recent accomplishment that brings me so much joy is answering the call to ministry as a licensed minister.
DS: What inspired you to work with teens, especially young women? What were your own teen years like and how did you get grounded in God into your own purpose?
Leslie Denman: My inspiration to work with teen girls and young women started with my own search for significance and purpose. The last thing I thought my calling was – was to work with teens especially girls. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 29 and I asked God to reveal His purpose for my life. I declared to God that if He spared my life and revealed my purpose, I would spend the rest of my life fulfilling that purpose. I am happy to say that I am still here.
This journey has been remarkable. Looking back over my life and growing up in Omaha, TX, I remember standing in the mirror of my room hearing this small voice telling me that I was going to be great. I had no idea what I would be doing or how it was going to happen but I believed that voice. I carefully and secretly tucked that belief away in my heart. I had great parents and our life was pretty normal that is until I found myself pregnant at the tender age of fourteen and even then, I felt God’s hands of grace and mercy upon me. My parents made sure we were active in church and grew up hearing the word of God. God used that experience in my life to draw me closer to Him.
I remember going to church and watching people sing, shout and praise God and I would think “What is that all about.” I was a young girl with a heavy burden and I wanted to feel what those people were feeling. I wanted to be free. I would ask God in my own lil’ way to help me know Him like that. Soon I would find myself angry and frustrated for many years to come. At the time I did not know that God was answering my prayer.
DS: What is the first thing you would say to someone about pursuing their purpose? How does s/he discern what it is and move forward to pursuing it?
Leslie Denman: Great question. The first thing I would say is “WHY? Why are you pursuing your purpose?” May seem like a simple question, even strange to some but it is the answering of this question, you hear the heart and motive of the individual. Luke 6:45 says “for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” Discovering your purpose is just the tip of the iceberg. Walking it out is like an award-winning drama complete with plots, schemes and twists. An individual clear about their WHY will not only discover their purpose but they will walk it out in a spirit of excellence. Discerning one’s purpose can be both exciting and yet frustrating. It’s exciting in that you will discover that you are gifted and passionate about so many things; frustrating in that you don’t know what to pursue…
It’s Your Time to Shine! Double Your Followers with CreativeLive & April Bowles Olin Plus My Top Tip for Growing Your Creative Dreams
This post is a part of the Double Your Followers blog tour to spread the word about April Bowles-Olin’s upcoming CreativeLive course. Does hearing the word ‘marketing’ make your armpits start to drip with anxiety? Are you terrified of sounding salesy or like you have the personality of a dead blowfish? If so, come join me and 2,500+ entrepreneurs who’re taking April’s latest CreativeLive course, Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing. You can RSVP and watch for FREE. Yep, free. High fives, wildflowers, wine samples. Who doesn’t love free?
April Bowles Olin is one of my favorite creative experts and I love the courses she’s done on CreativeLive – my very favorite platform for learning about everything creative (click here to check out my previous blog tour post about her CreativeLive course on building your creative blog – I learned so much and April and her partner in creativity Mayi also inspired me to wear a tutu, see the evidence below!;)
April’s upcoming course “Double Your Followers with Creative Marketing” caught my interest and I wanted to share it with you all to share the love on reaching your audience to grow your creative dreams. As a visual artist, writer and actress I know what it feels like to have the passion to create but not so much knowledge about sharing my art with the world.
One of my favorite ways of growing my creative business is through speaking. I’ve been doing live speaking events for several years now and have found that with every event I do I grow my audience and get new requests from clients. I like to get creative with my speaking engagements, and since I often speak to groups of parents and their kids to speak about dreams and entrepreneurship it’s not uncommon for me to bring props and special guests like Batman to do creative opening skits (see below;) or to dress up as a superhero myself (the kids love it:). You can do live speaking engagements in any format you’d like – get creative with it and make it your own!
If the thought of public speaking strikes terror in your heart – fear not! There are so many ways of sharing your voice and your story that can be effective in engaging your audience. The funny thing is I used to shake in my boots, literally at the prospect of speaking on stage, after years of suffering with social anxiety but now I look forward to it!
When you speak at events it sets you apart as an expert as well as puts you in front of people who can relate to you on a more personal level than if they merely came across your website because when you speak they get to see your amazing personality and heart shining through your words. Also, I believe whatever your business it’s so important to share your voice and your story. Everyone has purpose and people to reach to give hope with their story and what you’ve accomplished or overcome – whether you’re helping women become more confident with your product or service or if you’re passionate about empowering kids and teens discover purpose and entrepreneurship at a young age, like I do.
It’s Time to Speak Up and Shine
If speaking on a big stage is not for you, here are some other ways for you to grow your creative business through speaking up:
- Start Small, Make a Big Bang – Instead of doing big keynote speeches you can do smaller workshops at local libraries, churches, universities, or even host one at your home to teach on a topic you’re passionate about. I’ve done this by speaking at schools and youth events, sharing with smaller groups of teens. Workshops are usually more personal and interactive then keynote speaking and you can bring activities and creative printed materials for people to bring home because there are less people – workshops are definitely one of my favorite ways of sharing with others.
- Show Up and Shine – Come up with topics to pitch to local news stations to share a segment on a relevant issue that can be newsworthy for them as well as reach your audience to share your expertise. I’ve spoken on my local ABC affiliate about motivating youth through entrepreneurship and afterwards got emails and requests through my website. You can also reach out to podcasts and online shows as well – or even start your own podcast or online show.
- Of Course – You Can Do It! Create an online course, creative Youtube videos or webinars sharing your expertise. You can find an already existing platform like April is doing on Creativelive or create your own online video course (April shares amazing tips on how to create a course in her blog series here).
- Real Talk, Real Time – Do livestreams sharing your expertise, behind-the-scenes of your business and being yourself! The app Periscope is an amazing way to do this – it connects you to people around the world in real time and allows you to connect and interact. It’s also so personal and raw, you can wear make up if you’d like or not and you don’t have to worry about editing your bloopers or a fancy set-up except for your phone and a tripod because it’s less “high maintenance” then other platforms – this is where you can be YOU – raw and uncut.
Check out April’s tips on getting started on Periscope here and follow her here. (By the way you can follow me on Periscope @Dreamfleur where I share inspiration on following your dreams!:)
- Short and Sweet – I also love sharing quick tips and inspiration in videos on other platforms like Instagram, Youtube, Snapchat and Vine – pick which platform works best for you and do your thang! The more people see your lovely face and hear your unique personality come through your voice the more they’ll trust and realize how much they like you! 😉
Your voice is powerful! Find ways to get in front of your audience and DareDreamer rise up and shine! If I, a formerly painfully shy wallflower can do it, anyone can! You were made for this – to share your voice and live on purpose! The world awaits…
Below I share my voice in a quick video to inspire you (bottom left photo credit: Thank you Sue Bryce, I love her work!).
P.S. Click here to visit my creative shop Envibrance and find inspirational apparel, journal and mug designs like the Live Boldly Everyone Has Purpose and the Dreamer Shirt in this post.
Also, if you’d like to stay in touch and find out more about growing your creative dreams and my upcoming resources and creative products, join the DareDreamer Community below! We’d love to have you! <3
Come Alive, You Are So Loved! Dream in Soul Inspiration
So. Loved.
So, I thought I knew what those words mean, I’d heard them since I was a little girl, but after years of repetition and pain they became just words on a page to me. It wasn’t until true love rocked my world and revived my heart that I so came alive and could truly see and believe…
For. God.
He pursued my heart with sweet words of tenderness until I ceased my striving for success and stopped running my life to listen. Is that really…You? You are REAL. Whoa. His reality and the new visions and dreams He gave me rescued me from the pit of depression, resuscitated my heart from the death of life without Him.
WOW. His PASSION. The words of His Word become so real and get so personal when you draw in to hear His voice, when He shows you His heart and yours yearns like His, when He invites you on an intimate adventure of purpose for people and you realize just how powerful and passionate this God of love is…
You. Are.
You might feel like one among many but the One who created everything made you uniquely, wonderfully in His reflection. He covered my imperfections with a veil of royalty and acceptance and brings me joy and fulfillment beyond my dreams. He turned the mess of my life into a striking masterpiece and He can bring peace to the shards of your shattered heart – if you’ll just release them.
He understands everything you feel, keeps track of every tear, hair and detail, sees what you go through and knows you by name. When you get to know Him you realize your worries and shame are nothing, all you thought you needed are nothing. Without Him we’re nothing – and God plus nothing equals EVERYTHING…
The. World.
From the very beginning He set out on a plan to bring His beloved ones back to Him in the most riveting and real of romances: From a tree in a garden where we became separated, to a tree where Jesus became our sin and a bridge to relationship with Him – a gift of life eternal the way it was meant to be, to the Tree of Life in a garden restored where we will be reunited. Jesus did what He said, came back from the dead and His word will soon prove true when He returns again.
The Heart Wants What It Wants: Song Story and Inspiration from Selena Gomez | We Dream of Love Series
Selena Gomez says in one of her latest songs that the heart wants what it wants. Listening to the lyrics I find myself relating to the song more than I thought I did…do you? Here’s my take of what the heart wants, part of this month’s Speak Up Project and my We Dream of Love series…
Our hearts are longing for affirmation, romance, love…Stay tuned to hear my story of what my heart wants in Part 2.
Below catch a glimpse of Selena Gomez’s heart in her diary from her “Heart Wants What It Wants” Performance at the American Music Awards…I love how she prepares and how she wants to give her best amidst deep emotions – it’s inspiring to see her be vulnerable and herself…
I was also deeply inspired by this awesome message that encourages singles who are looking for love:
We all fall under two camps: some of us are happy to be alone and don’t want a relationship, while some of us are just wishing and waiting for the right guy or girl to come along any minute. But, all of us are missing out on true love. That true love always involves God because God is true love. When we feel unlovable, God sees us as being worthy. He seeks our own best and He bears all thing. He made the first move, making a way for us to experience the fullness of His love through Christ dying for us while we were still sinners. We may feel like we can’t be loved and want to resist it, but no matter what we’ve done, we can never outrun God’s true love for us.