A Dreamer’s Diary: Choose Joy, Always! Sharing My Story of Overcoming Depression
One of the greatest obstacles to following my dreams has been overcoming depression and the feeling of inadequacy. Over the years and through many struggles I’ve learned that joy is a choice and it is strength in the darkest of times… I shared a glimpse of my story a few weeks back on Facebook and […]
Grow Your Dream While Watering Another’s: A Glimpse of My Journey
Some say that when you don’t build your dreams, somebody else will hire you to build theirs. This may be true but what’s so wrong with helping someone else build their dreams if it is for a greater purpose that will benefit the lives of many. One of my life mantras is that their is […]
HeartBlooms: Be the You You’re Created to Be
There’s a dream that beats in the depths of your heart, a song YOU were created to sing – and when you muster the courage to step out and be bold, with Love you can do anything… I was immensely inspired by the remembrance service for Dr. Maya Angelou, one of my greatest creative and […]
Revive Your Dormant Dreams: Some Motivation on Refreshing Your Passion, Being You and Wearing Tutus from April Bowles and Creative LIVE
This post is part of a blog tour featuring a group of creative dreamers who were inspired by April Bowle’s workshop Build a Successful Creative Blog on CreativeLive.com. Find links to other places to visit on this tour at the end of this post. What if that dream you’ve been nourishing and watering shows no […]
Inspiration from A Phenomenal Woman: A Tribute to Dr. Maya Angelou
Watch the Memorial Service of Dr. Maya Angelou Held on June 7, 2014 Dr. Maya Angelou is the epitome of a phenomenal woman who boldly was herself and showed us how to live on purpose. She has been one of the greatest inspirations in my life, a motivation for me to embrace being a woman […]