
Your Dreams Are Worth Fighting For

You’ve gotta fight for your dreams! Sometimes the biggest battle is in your mind and your thoughts, fighting the fear and darkness that says you can’t do it the way you want to but the Love who made you says you were made for this! I’ve been battling back and pursuing some of my biggest dreams in being a voice to youth to give them purpose – join me on our journey to more purpose…👊💖🔑 Follow me here and on snapchat @dreamfleur


You Can Begin Again… It’s Time To Live Your Dreams On Purpose


No matter where you’ve been, you can begin again. There’s a love and grace that let’s you leave your past behind and start afresh – no “what ifs,” “should’ves” or regrets. It’s time for you to live out your purpose boldly…

There were so many years where I was paralyzed by fear and haunted by my past. Sometimes the darkness in my life was so overwhelming I didn’t want to get out of bed or go another day. My mind would replay the mistakes, the losses, the inadequacies, the “you’re not enough,” over and over and over again…

Then light came in and showed me Love – He told me the truth of who I was made to be…

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Spend More Time Laughing and Dancing This Year! Photography & Inspiration from Sue Bryce On Following Your Dreams


Make more time this year to laugh, dance & dream – life’s way more fun that way and we all get to experience the beauty of you coming fully alive! 😀

Thank you Sue Bryce Photographer for your gift of capturing the light within and for being an inspiration to me! I’ve been a fan of Sue’s work and have taken her photography courses on for years so it was a great surprise and joy to work with her this year. She has a beautiful heart and way of bringing out the love in people and she’s always inspired me to live my dreams bravely.

Check out these video of Sue on living out your dreams and overcoming fear:

Be sure to connect with Sue on Facebook where she shares more of her amazing photos.

NOTE TO SELF: Spend more time Laughing & Dancing this year.A Portrait of Julene, this girl LIGHTS UP A ROOM5D iii /…

Posted by Sue Bryce Photographer on Saturday, January 2, 2016

Permission Granted to Live Your Dreams – You’re Royalty (A Little Inspiration From Disney;)

You’re royalty – yeah it’s true…the waaaay major difference between those Disney gals and you is that you’re the real deal, made to reign in a Kingdom beyond this world but that’s all around us. The Father God who loves you so much is the ruler of all and once you accept His royal invitation you’re the King’s kid.


I love Disney movies because they take you to a whole new world (pun intended;) where anything is possible and where good, light and love win in the end. Life’s meant to be an amazing story, a riveting adventure – here’s your invitation to the greatest Kingdom that ever existed. Embrace your calling and the permission you already have to dream and live BIG. higher than you can ever imagine for a reason beyond your wildest dreams! Rise and shine baby, the world’s waiting…

P.S. My friends should know better than to get me gifts like this – I’m a Disney-lover and take it very serious – I can get a lil crazy, lol.

You Were Made to Flourish – It’s Time to Live On Purpose

I used to play it safe, really just living out the dreams I thought were practical – deep down scared cause some of my deepest dreams seemed impossible. They seemed too wild and crazy like “what are ya thinking…that can’t really happen.” Oh yeah, it can. What I didn’t fully realize was that I was made to fly, you were made to soar. WE were made to love & flourish, not to keep our purpose buried inside, doing the world a disservice…

Truth is anything’s possible, if you truly believe, live boldly and put your #dreams in the great Gardener’s hands – He’s the one that planted those visions in your heart in the first place. Lately I’ve been seeing dreams I’ve had for the longest time coming true, it’s almost surreal, but no it’s SO real. We were made for this. DareDreamer live on Purpose…

Join me for a creative online retreat where we will rediscover our creativity and deepest purpose. Are you ready to Refresh Your Dreams?

What will Refresh Your Dreams include?

* Creative reflective prompts to help you reconnect with your purpose and the deeper reason why you are pursuing your dream

* A creative cheerleader and motivator (that’s me;) rooting you on as you follow your dreams

Join our community below to get updates on the Refresh Your Dreams Series!

Join the Dare Dreamer Community to get motivation and inspiration on your journey of purpose!

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