Soul Dreamer Journey

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Dreamfleur Diary – Stretch & Grow

No matter what creative field you’re in I think it is always a good idea to stretch and grow yourself in what you do, and beyond what you are known for doing, even if just for fun.

For years my main methods of expression have been in the visual arts (design, fine arts, etc.) and writing but the Renaissance dreamer in me has always loved to experiment and try new things.

I’ve decided that this Fall that I’ll explore some areas I’ve always had an interest in but haven’t made time to pursue: theater, music and photography. I’ve always dabbled and been captivated by these fields but haven’t yet pursued them officially.

I’ll be taking classes and experimenting more into each of these fields and hopefully will be able to sharpen my skills as well as get a fresh perspective on the areas I’ve always pursued.

I want to document my progress and journey here on the blog – won’t you join me in stretching and growing our artistic muscles and creative sinews.

What creative fields have you always wanted to delve into; what’s stopping you?

Style to Inspire: The Story Behind My Clothing Line Envibrance Dream Apparel

Today I added the story behind my creative clothing line Envibrance Dream Apparel to the store and wanted to share it here as well.

The first phase of the Envibrance line is designed and dedicated to young people, in combination with my youth motivational speaking services. Later I will be launching a special Dreamfleur Line especially for women, as well as expanding the line for men. Read more about the story behind the line below.

I’m also partnering with my friend and mentor, motivational coach and speaker Evelina Solis (pictured above), founder of the inspirational speaking company Sol2Soul to spread the message of the line. Watch Evelina and youth motivational speakers Gabe Salazar and Patrick Perez introduce the line below:

Above: Select Envibrance Dream Creations shirts were donated to a youth event for giveaways.

The Story

Julene, the founder of Envibrance Dream Apparel was inspired to begin the company after a series of events:

– Ever since she was a child Julene has enjoyed painting, drawing, and other arts and crafts and attempts to use her abilities as gifts to others. She started her design and media company Envibrance Studios in 2002 as a teen, minored in art in college and wanted to find a way to create original art to share with others…

– She had always liked cute and feminine t-shirts, but often could not find any with messages she liked or with un-cluttered, pretty graphics that could be dressed up with cute layering and accessories or dressed down for casual occasions. (Of course we also offer T-shirts for guys too!:)

– When visiting her mother’s homeland of Haiti after the earthquake she was shocked at the standards of living there and wanted to give back in some way through product sales (a portion of Envibrance Dream Apparel sales will go towards charitable causes, including helping people in Haiti). She also saw some of her cousins in Haiti wearing second-hand brand-name t-shirts with scary images of skulls and decided to create positive t-shirts for youth to wear instead (this is an upcoming project of Envibrance Dream Creations, stay tuned).

– While working with youth as a motivational speaker, Julene often saw teens and tweens wearing shirts with negative messages. She began creating her own positive shirts to sell and wear at events, and to donate to special youth events and organizations (such as the shirts pictured above).

– There are so many t-shirts out there already but very few merge positive messages with bold, artistic graphics – there’s a first time for everything;)

I hope you’ll support the Envibrance movement by purchasing a T-shirt from my shop by clicking here. You can get one for yourself, or maybe a young person in your life.

HeartBlooms: Don’t Count Yourself Out

You may not look the part, people may look and pass over you, and your past may “disqualify” you – but don’t count yourself out! God loves you, and loves to choose the least likely ones to do great works and make a difference! (Why do you think the “underdog” plot is so popular?:).

Despite what you’ve been through He’s tapped you into the game; play boldly knowing He wants you to win. – Julene

Dreamfleur Diary: A Pledge To Be Free

This summer I’ve made a pledge to myself to live more freely…

To be more calm, less hurried, more comfortable and less worried…

To share my heart and passions and engage with others more boldly…

To breathe more deeply and smile more widely….

To dance more (even if awkwardly-off beat) and sing more (even when others are cringing;)

Freer to let the uniqueness (and weirdness:) in me shine through…

To be more creative and even child-like in pursuing my art and work,
To allow messiness yet be patient enough to pursue striking excellence…

To dream bigger, deeper dreams that only God can fulfill…

Resting more and more in the fact that my identity is found in Him and not in opinions…

Won’t you pledge to yourself to be more freely you, to share yourself, love and encouragement more openly with those in your life?

Happy Independence Day!:)

Where Am I Called? – Post Grad Ponderings

It’s a question many of us ask at one point in our lives: What is my calling? Where does God want to use me right now; in ministry, in a certain career? For me the question was most urgent after I graduated from college (which I wrote about earlier on Dream in Soul). It was the typical post graduation anxiety – “uh oh – I’ve got be an adult and face the ‘real world’? What do I do now?”

I was confused as to where God was leading me, if I should pursue studying in a certain area of ministry (in my case I felt it might be youth ministry) and I searched my heart and prayed to God to show me which direction He wanted me to go. After a campus ministry conference a few months after graduation I asked one of the leaders Pastor Sample, a youth pastor at a local church, what his advice was to someone who felt they might be called into youth ministry. His answer and how he broke it all down was a blessing to me, especially how he explained how you have to hear clearly from God where He is specifically leading you. I thought his advice was fitting for anyone who was questioning the path of their calling so I wanted to share:

Question: How Do I Know if I Am Called To A Certain Ministry?

A: Special training for ministry is great and so is Bible college or a ministry school…but the main thing is that you really hear from the LORD.

He will call you (it sounds like He is) He will give you specific instructions. Do not run out ahead of Him and do not be behind Him. Go at the pace He wants you to go.

You do not need a special degree or anything…you need a confirmed word of the LORD. He never calls the qualified, He only qualifies the called.

When the Lord calls there are usually 5 steps:

1. Calling – divinely dissatisfied with what you are doing – you know you are being called to a specific direction.

2. Training – this is usually done by man… school, training school…
