
The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
The Young Dreamer section consists of content from Dreamfleur’s youth motivation site and other posts prevalent to encouraging youth to be creative and enterprising.
The world and the people around you could always enjoy some more love💞 so give it away, and give yourself and your gifts to others with all your heart💝! Here’s one way I give away love and share my passions…a few months back I found a livestreaming site kinda like Periscope but the audience is mostly kids & teens (some of my favorite kinda people:). I really felt led to be a light & start streaming fun, uplifting broadcasts sharing characters I sketch to inspire my stories🎨, singing songs I write🎤 and just sprinkling some inspiration and love to the awesome peeps who tune in. It turned out to be really fun especially getting to encourage people & talk about dreams✨, life & fun stuff with a spontaneous dance-off here and there (fun, hilarious times😁) with people I meet and guest who sometimes also share their art with me.
If you’ve got a passion for art or music or anything else but feel amateur or disqualified I say go for it anyways – that’s what I share with young artists on my broadcasts – the more you create and hone your craft, even if for fun and therapy to relieve stress and make life brighter, the better you get and the more light🔥 & love 💖you spread into the world! This is me, #drawingwhileblack. Follow the hashtag to see more work by inspiring artists!🎨
Dream, love and sing🎤 with all your heart…I’m gearing up for our Spring musical showcase at school. We’ve been practicing our vocals & singing dynamics since January & it all culminates to a show where each of us selected a song that reflects our heart.💖 Mine is Unconditionally by Katy Perry mixed with my original.
I first heard the song on Tyler Perry’s The Passion last year & love the message in that context- how God who is love gave His life for us & poured out His all to pursue relationship with us. He’s been teaching me about unconditional love & setting others above myself, how we can show the world true love when we love with all our heart like He did.
Dream. Hope. Love.💞 That’s what we’re made for…We can have a new beginning and have the freedom to dream again no matter where we’ve been because we find a new purpose in our Creator – we’re part of His awesome dream and He’s the greatest Dreamer of all.🌳
Our hope is forever because there’s more to life than what we see here and now – we’re eternal because He lives. We can love boldly and be secure in the one who is Love because everyone was created by Him and is trying to find their way back to where they belong. I’m so thankful for new starts the greatest Love of all gives us each and every day so we can Dream, Hope, Love, forever… (lyrics in the pic above from a song I’ve been writing 📝🎤)
She is powerful.💥 Limitless.🚀 Priceless.💎 Royalty.👑 She’s a dreamer💫, a doer🔥, a boundless creator🎨, an unbridled force who shapes the future and history with her words and actions…she has the power to transform the world – nothing is impossible when she has the power of Love.💖
Happy International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month to all of you warriors out there who slay🗡👠 and bring light to the world through your dreams and purpose. (A little glimpse of a first sketch of a character for my story development (inspired by Disney meets Narnia meets Marvel), about a girl turned hero 👸🏽 who realizes she holds the power to fight💪🏻👊🏽 darkness and change the world – she just has to be bold to be who she was made to be).⚡️
Through practice and perseverance I got through that fear and surprisingly now speaking is my FAVORITE thing to do! I find myself on stages and in classrooms (where I’d probably pass out or drown in a puddle of my own sweat years ago🚣🏽💁🏽) speaking my story and singing encouraging songs🎤 to inspire other kids who were like me to overcome their fears and live their big dreams…🔥
Recently I got to speak with a group of teen girls in Dallas (some of them pictured here) about the journey of dreams💖 – how God has a big dream for each of our lives and how even when things get tough everything works together for good for those who live on Purpose.💥 We talked about the story of Joseph the Dreamer in the Bible who is my fave (go watch the Emmy-award winning movie based it, it’s awesome and Joseph ain’t too hard on the eyes;) and how even when he was in a pit and the prison he trusted God and served others with his gifts until his big dream came true. God used all of those trials to develop him into a true, powerful leader who would go on to save his people – a foreshadowing of another great leader to come… 👑
Ever since I was younger God told me my story was like Joseph’s and the word “dream” was always in my heart. Everything about my businesses and life had the word dream included somehow since I was a kid (as did gifts my friends gave me pictured here🎁). Like Joseph I overcame years of confusing circumstances and now I’m living out the very dreams I had written down years before – speaking, singing, serving others’ dreams and creating a multimedia company that inspires youth to live on purpose. With Love everything is possible💖 – so go follow your dreams and dare to share your story – someone needs to hear you speak about how you overcame too. I truly believe your story can set someone free and I believe in you!
Love and peace ✌️ Julene