Be In Perfect Peace: Encouragement & Song for You to Overcome
I hope you’ve been able to stay creative and thrive even in quarantine. I wanted to share this rough draft snippet of a song in-progress (and beginning of an illustration) that I wrote recently – it’s a wonder how you can be inspired when you’re inside all day
. I was actually listening to Pastor Toure at The Potter’s House at One LA’s message in March titled “All We Do Is Win” (check out the archives for the replay – it’s powerful) and the lyrics to this song began coming to me.
The theme is how God can surround us in His love & give us His perfect peace even when we don’t know how to be peaceful and we are surrounded by darkness and anxiety. Some of my mentors throughout my life have said to speak and declare the Word aloud even if you don’t feel like it or your circumstances don’t look like what you have faith for. God spoke the world into motion and tells us to speak truth because the power of life is in our tongue.
Here are some of the lyrics to one of the verses that I hope allow others to speak life over their circumstances – when I get out of the house to record it:
Dare Dreamer Inspirational Music and Movies for Youth Project: Support the Movement
Umm…can I just make up my own category of music: Comedy rap for kids? I was tired hearing my kinder and elementary kids sing songs that were totally age inappropriate so I took matters into my own hands – positive rap for the youngin’s – call me Queen J. Love (I think – I just made that up right now
). I wrote and rapped this song “I Believe in Love” for fun for my teen girls (they kept begging me to rap for them
) and they were jammin’ and hyping me up so I’m going to look into producing it professionally for them. In the meantime here’s my homemade version… The theme is finding a higher love then what the world hypes up. Guess what? You’re loved, by the One above K? Believe it…
“Once upon a little girl, I had so many dreams – I wore my crown all day couldn’t tell me I wasn’t royal -tea, life was a fairytale my very own Disney movie- then I got tripped up by something that they call reality cause, I believed in love, one day my prince would come, I had my dress picked out and one day I would find the one. The way my parents fought though…I’m not sure that’s how it’s done – what about a happy ending, what happened to the true love?” Stay tuned for when I drop the official version of this song…
Would you like to support this mission of creating more inspiring, substance-filled music for preteens and youth? Send me a message on the contact page or donate to the fund that will help us to produce more songs, movies, books and more for our youth.
Donate at CashApp using my code $JuleneFleurmond or send a donation through Paypal by clicking here:
More About the Vision:
You Can Have Hope At All Times and Song Inspiration
We can trust God at all times even in the world we live in today and in the storms of life because we know the One who holds the world has us in His hands when we put our hope in Him. Love is trustworthy always.
Here’s one of my favorite songs in Haitian Creole: Konfie’m Nan Dieu. The lyrics loosely translate to: Trust in the Lord, know that He takes care of me. In the wilderness or in bad times. The oceans may rise but God holds me firm, my Papa in Heaven will take care of me…
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 ESV
Dream, Love and Sing With All Your Heart: Embrace Your Passion
Dream, love and sing with all your heart…I’m gearing up for our Spring musical showcase at school. We’ve been practicing our vocals & singing dynamics since January & it all culminates to a show where each of us selected a song that reflects our heart.
Mine is Unconditionally by Katy Perry mixed with my original.
I first heard the song on Tyler Perry’s The Passion last year & love the message in that context- how God who is love gave His life for us & poured out His all to pursue relationship with us. He’s been teaching me about unconditional love & setting others above myself, how we can show the world true love when we love with all our heart like He did.
Dream. Hope. Love – Forever: Songwriting Sessions
Dream. Hope. Love. That’s what we’re made for…We can have a new beginning and have the freedom to dream again no matter where we’ve been because we find a new purpose in our Creator – we’re part of His awesome dream and He’s the greatest Dreamer of all.
Our hope is forever because there’s more to life than what we see here and now – we’re eternal because He lives. We can love boldly and be secure in the one who is Love because everyone was created by Him and is trying to find their way back to where they belong. I’m so thankful for new starts the greatest Love of all gives us each and every day so we can Dream, Hope, Love, forever… (lyrics in the pic above from a song I’ve been writing )