Watch My New Movie Style Me for Christmas on BET Plus
I’m blessed to be the concept creator and co-writer of this film Style Me for Christmas now streaming on BET Plus. The movie is about Tiffany Ford, played by Raven Goodwin, a fashion designer on the brink of losing everything tries not to fall for a famous R&B heartthrob Tedee Maxwell played by Mario who hires her to style his Christmas tour. The movie is all about living your dreams boldly and that love and miracles are possible! Look out for my cameo in a scene with Mario as well – this movie was so fun to film!
Watch the trailer below and stream now on BET Plus and Amazon Prime or YouTube with a subscription:
What’s Your Passion Project? Trailblaze Your Dreams and Reclaim Your Wonder Through Creative Exploration
What’s Your Passion Project? 💖🔥😍
Do you have something that you love to do just for the love of it – not necessarily for monetary gain?
A passion project may seem “off-brand” for you.
You may reason that it’s unpractical.
It might be a business, but it may not be. It may not have any monetary compensation immediately
We may think that others will be mad at us for doing something that is not “disciplined” or what seems like a “waste of time.”
I have a mentor who told me once that our creative passion projects are like intercession – they bring Heaven to Earth – they shift the atmosphere and this realm even if they are done in private.
In terms of business we should aim to create something that meets a need but I want to encourage you to also have a passion project – something you create that you’re passionate about that maybe doesn’t make good business sense. It’s like therapy in a way. I found myself only writing scripts that I thought would sell, or only creating what I thought people needed but often times your passion project is something that nurtures your own soul and helps your mental health and boosts your creativity. It’s something you believe in.
You come alive and will inspire people when you create something you believe in – sometimes it’s to minister to God and grow your own spirit. Often times those passion projects can be jumping points to the life’s work that truly makes you a living, but even more so they help you come alive.
Creative Entrepreneur Courses: Learn Graphic Design, Branding, Merch Design and More
I’ve gotten so many requests to teach others how to develop their brands and do graphics, design merch and do so much more for their businesses so I’m finally launching the Dare Dreamer Creative Entrepreneur Courses. Stay tuned for more on how you can join my special academy for entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners to learn how to present your brand in the best light and make a profit from your passions. What would you want to learn about business, creating your own merch and branding? Sign up at the form below to get updates on my courses and leave any questions you may have as well.
Click here to follow me on Instagram for Updates.
Dream Bigger: Motivational Entrepreneurship Workshops for Kids, Youth and Adults
It’s never too early or too late to dream bigger! 💖 I’ve enjoyed the past few weeks doing workshops and classes on Dreaming Big, entrepreneurship, creative careers like acting, filmmaking and the arts to inspire kids and youth to open their hearts to the kind of dreams they can delve into even right where they are – they don’t have to wait till they’re adults to dream and live big.
The kids I’ve worked with have been writing scripts and filming their ideas, coming up with business ideas, dreaming up careers they’re passionate about and it’s so awesome to see how excited they get hearing stories of people who dream big, invent new creations and break open paths that are beyond what they’ve seen before.
The same goes for us all – dare to dream beyond what’s normal and expected – you may be someone who blazes a trail that others are waiting to walk on to reach their unique calling. Dream, live and love for a greater purpose and inspire those young and more seasoned around you to do so as well!
The book I’m reading to the kids in this pic is Bessie Queen of the Sky by Queen Girls Publishing 👑 – they’re turning stories of real bold women into fairy tales. They recently came out with new books in their series – check out to preorder their new collection!
Want me to come out to speak to a group about entrepreneurship, dreams, arts and embracing your creativity? Contact me by clicking here.
You Can Have Hope At All Times and Song Inspiration
We can trust God at all times even in the world we live in today and in the storms of life because we know the One who holds the world has us in His hands when we put our hope in Him. Love is trustworthy always. 💞
Here’s one of my favorite songs in Haitian Creole: Konfie’m Nan Dieu. The lyrics loosely translate to: Trust in the Lord, know that He takes care of me. In the wilderness or in bad times. The oceans may rise🌊 but God holds me firm, my Papa in Heaven will take care of me…🙏🏽 .
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 ESV