God Has a Greater Dream for Your Life Than You Have For Yourself: Dream with Love
Life is a beautiful journey! When you look back at your life so far & all you’ve been through you realize God is always intentional & leaves clues about your purpose and the big deep plans He has for you.😯 When we dare to dream with Love He shows us His beautiful heart & shares secrets🔑 of His intricate plan & story that we get to be part of… 💕 That’s where intimacy grows when we dream with the greatest Dreamer of all…
There are hidden treasures waiting to be dug up when you embark on the dreams God puts in your heart and embrace the path He puts you on. 💖 So step out today, be brave, do what you’ve never done, walk like royalty👑✨ and grow into the person He made you to be since the beginning of His story…🌻
Our Father wants to do life with us and let us in on His dreams & secrets, for those who are kid-like & excited enough to listen… “God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.” Ephesians 3:20 MSG
Be a Warrior of Love and Live Your Dreams

Let’s all be warriors of Love… We can change the world when we see and encourage one another, from the young to the oldest, to be our fullest selves! Ya see all those people around you each day, even the ones you’ve accidentally overlooked or think you’re different from? Each one of them is a reflection of God’s heart, made to connect with Him in love and the dreams in their hearts are planted there by Him…
When you get free to live in your fullness you get to set other people free to flourish & live in full color too. We become like the beautiful family we were meant to be…
Life’s a journey of growth and evolving – we weren’t made to conform to society’s image of perfection but to be the best we can be in the masterpiece called our bodies and the world God put our spirits in and in whatever our dreams are… So dream high & believe bigger warrior, don’t stop creating & loving. You are loved more than you can imagine and make the world better just by being in it… *In the whisper from A Wrinkle in Time: #BeAWarrior
I made this video inspired by Ava DuVernay’s movie “A Wrinkle in Time” starring Storm Reid. Have you seen it yet? If not be sure to see it online or on DVD!
You Can Have Hope At All Times and Song Inspiration
We can trust God at all times even in the world we live in today and in the storms of life because we know the One who holds the world has us in His hands when we put our hope in Him. Love is trustworthy always. 💞
Here’s one of my favorite songs in Haitian Creole: Konfie’m Nan Dieu. The lyrics loosely translate to: Trust in the Lord, know that He takes care of me. In the wilderness or in bad times. The oceans may rise🌊 but God holds me firm, my Papa in Heaven will take care of me…🙏🏽 .
You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting rock. Isaiah 26:3-4 ESV
When You Pass Through the Waters
Whatever you go through, whatever the storms or fears that try to engulf your hope know that you are so loved and God is on your side!
I was in the hospital last weekend & out of whack for a week or so but wow amidst it all I had the weirdest & coolest God experience. He is real, He loves us, He is sooo, sooo good & has a plan for our lives – just seek Him and you will find Him and His plan for your life!
Cosplay to Inspire
Okay so what I love about working with kids as a teacher and speaker is the excuse to play dress up – I’m no where near a regular but here are a few of my cosplay adventures and the inspiration behind them which are awesome stories that inspire my work:
I love learning & shows that inspire kids to explore creation!💖🔭 Here’s me as Keesha from The #MagicSchoolBus Rides Again 🚌 on Netflix (anyone else love that show growing up?) We were meant to take time to play and have fun as part of our work (I even did research on the benefits of play in grad school) – whether it’s sports, art or cosplay take time to do something that engages your creativity & brings you joy!✨
I went investigating the candy situation🍬🍫🍭 at The Potter’s House Harvest Time event (don’t judge me – it was for the whole family☺️) as The Princess in Black – inspired by both the GOAT MIB Will Smith😎 and kids’ books characters👸🏾👸🏼 which I love as a teacher & current kids’ writer!
(Check out this series The Princess In Black about unconventional mystery solving royalty by Shannon & Dean Hale and the Dream Big! More Than a Princess Coloring Book.🎨 Each page of the coloring book features a girl sharing her dream of becoming a professional, like a politician, astronaut🚀 or a community organizer. Stephanie Tabashneck, psychologist and author of the book, created it because she was concerned with the lack of role models, characters and positive messages for young girls and in particular young girls of color).
If you don’t remember anything else remember to dream big and live boldly because You Are Great!💁🏽 You are royally loved by the King and have the light to fight darkness so go kick some butt. Agent J out✌🏽