Arise, Shine and Bring Your Dreams Alive

The New Year is a fresh canvas, and we can either hesitantly hover our brushes over the blank surface in indecision, or boldly move to create the life we’ve always envisioned. I dare you this year to arise and shine, let your deepest dreams vibrantly come alive again and nurture them back to health.

You have so much beauty within you waiting to be released, but the world won’t be able to see or be enriched by it until you make a move.

It may take time, a lot of perseverance and patience but when your aspirations begin to take flight off of the sketchpad of your mind you’ll be in awe of the wonder of the experience… so get to painting those dreams into reality!

What are some of the dreams you are longing to bring to life this year?

– Julene

Above: Arise & Shine T-Shirt from my Envibrance Dream Apparel line. For this design I picked up my paintbrush after abandoning it for so long for the ease of the computer, and almost forgot how liberating it is to create so freely. I kept procrastinating getting my paintset out in fear that it would be difficult since I haden’t done it in so long, but I am glad I did!

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