
Inspiration From the Secret Millionaire Season Premiere with Dani Johnson

A new show called Secret Millionaire premiered on ABC recently, with a wonderful premise: millionaires go into impoverished communities to find unsung community heroes who serve others, and reward them with hundreds of thousands of dollars of their own money. The first episode with Dani Johnson, a successful entrepreneur who was once homeless and on welfare, was inspiring, you can watch the full episode below. You can really see Dani’s heart for giving and how her real desire was to serve and give in secret in the second video below, the post show webcast (one word, WOW):

Dreamfleur Interview with Entrepreneur Jasmine Lawrence Founder of Eden BodyWorks


For my youth website Dreamer ENT I got to interview an inspiring young entrepreneur, Jasmine Lawrence, who started her own natural hair care company when she was 11. Check out the full interview by clicking below – I’m sure you’ll be inspired. She’s also a fellow NFTE alum (Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, the program which helped me start a business as a teen). Be inspired by her journey from an innovative 11-year-old to the Oprah Winfrey Show and beyond…

youngjasmineJasmine Lawrence is a young successful entrepreneur who has definitely been soaring and growing toward her dreams. It all sprouted when she was 11-years-old, after she mixed together natural ingredients to create her own hair oils for her broken, damaged tresses. By age 13 her hair was flourishing, and she was selling her hair products to friends. At 15 she shared her story with Oprah and other major news outlets, and began discussing distribution deals with Wal-Mart – all while striving to get her homework in on time.

Now at 17-years-old, Jasmine’s natural beauty care company Eden BodyWorks has bloomed immensely, and she hopes to bring it to even greater heights. She recently graduated from high school, and is studying computer engineering at Georgia Tech. She’s also featured in the film Ten9Eight: Shoot for the Moon (that we wrote about in a previous post) featuring young entrepreneurs. Watch Jasmine below in a clip from the film:

Video Source: Ten9Eight Website

Jasmine spoke to Dreamer ENT about her amazing experiences, what motivates her to keep going, and how other young people can bring their dreams to fruition:

Shift Your Paradigm to Reach Your Dreams: Inspiration from Dr. Fran Harris


On Thursday I was able to take part in a telephone seminar hosted by Dr. Fran Harris, who is a megapreneur, WNBA champion and business coach. Dr. Harris is featured in the current issues of Essence and Black Enterprise magazines, and her advice and counsel continually inspires me. I currently subscribe to her magazine Collegepreneur, which I would recommend to any student who wants to or currently runs their own business!

During the seminar Dr. Harris spoke about shifting your paradigm in order to move to the next level of success in all areas of your life. She challenged us who were on the call to identify harmful paradigms that are stunting our growth, regarding our relationships, health and financially, and to start living differently starting today.

As I listened to her words while eating my lunch, I began mentally going over areas of my own life that needed an overhaul. It’s funny how just changing the way you look at a situation can drastically transform the outcome and can free you from ideas you had that were really inaccurate.

Rather than me try to explain how much her words affected me, why don’t you go over to her blog to hear the recording of the call. Click here to be inspired by her wise words of how we can change our view of the world in order to move closer to our dreams.