Watch My New Movie Style Me for Christmas on BET Plus
I’m blessed to be the concept creator and co-writer of this film Style Me for Christmas now streaming on BET Plus. The movie is about Tiffany Ford, played by Raven Goodwin, a fashion designer on the brink of losing everything tries not to fall for a famous R&B heartthrob Tedee Maxwell played by Mario who hires her to style his Christmas tour. The movie is all about living your dreams boldly and that love and miracles are possible! Look out for my cameo in a scene with Mario as well – this movie was so fun to film!
Watch the trailer below and stream now on BET Plus and Amazon Prime or YouTube with a subscription:

Give Yourself Room to Bloom and Improve in Your Craft and Dreams
It’s okay to embrace that the journey of going toward your dreams and living your purpose is not always going to be picture perfect and that you‘ll have a lot of growing and shedding to do along the way. 🦋 That’s the beautiful thing about big dreams – as you cultivate them and step into the unfamiliar they cause you to flourish as well.
As a caterpillar has to go through darkness and thinks the world is closing in before it emerges as a butterfly know that you’re in a process of becoming better every day when you submit to the path of development.
Give yourself room to bloom and be imperfectly perfected by the grand Gardener…swipe to watch my video message with some encouragement for you. Give yourself and others grace on this journey of purpose because it’s a gift God gives to us. You can be both improving and impactful – often it’s the flaws in our stories that draw others in to know they are not alone. Here’s permission to be on a journey of discovery and thriving where you don’t have to have everything figured out as you blossom into who you’re made to be… 💐🌺👑
Be In Perfect Peace: Encouragement & Song for You to Overcome
I hope you’ve been able to stay creative and thrive even in quarantine. I wanted to share this rough draft snippet of a song in-progress (and beginning of an illustration) that I wrote recently – it’s a wonder how you can be inspired when you’re inside all day 😒 💁🏽. I was actually listening to Pastor Toure at The Potter’s House at One LA’s message in March titled “All We Do Is Win” (check out the archives for the replay – it’s powerful) and the lyrics to this song began coming to me.
The theme is how God can surround us in His love ❤️ & give us His perfect peace even when we don’t know how to be peaceful and we are surrounded by darkness and anxiety. Some of my mentors throughout my life have said to speak and declare the Word aloud even if you don’t feel like it or your circumstances don’t look like what you have faith for. God spoke the world into motion and tells us to speak truth because the power of life is in our tongue.
Here are some of the lyrics to one of the verses that I hope allow others to speak life over their circumstances – when I get out of the house to record it:
Give Yourself Permission to Dream
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Remember how at the beginning of our lives we were so free to dream and believed anything was possible? Those dreams you have in your heart are still possible and waiting on you to rise up into them. Over time as life happened and we experienced hardships we began to loose our wonder and the brightness in our eyes. ✨
That was my story and God awakened me to the fact that I was sleepwalking and had let go of the dreams He placed in my heart, giving over to fear and depression. I began pursuing them again and have seen so many amazing things come into fruition as I stepped out.
I want to encourage you to embrace your purpose and passions and take action toward them today – you’ll never know what can happen if you don’t try. Reclaim your childlike faith and creativity and give yourself permission to dream again. 💖
Over the weekend I was speaking with a client who I’m helping to launch her website for her business and she spoke about how she had so many ideas in her head that she never stepped out on. So many people have dreams they’ve been afraid to pursue because they don’t know how and if they are worthy but God places those seeds in our hearts to be watered and nourished because they are possible and vital in our world to bring light and hope. 🔥
It’s my passion to help others birth their dreams and I’m taking a group of people on a journey of overcoming their hindrances and reclaiming their dreams and launching them by building a business, website and platform they love to reach the people they were made to impact. To find out more about the masterclass and services send me a message and sign up for the community list here on my website (link in the sidebar to the right). It’s time for you to step into your wildest dreams and shine as the royal creator you were created to be. 👑💖✨
Creative Entrepreneur Courses: Learn Graphic Design, Branding, Merch Design and More
I’ve gotten so many requests to teach others how to develop their brands and do graphics, design merch and do so much more for their businesses so I’m finally launching the Dare Dreamer Creative Entrepreneur Courses. Stay tuned for more on how you can join my special academy for entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners to learn how to present your brand in the best light and make a profit from your passions. What would you want to learn about business, creating your own merch and branding? Sign up at the form below to get updates on my courses and leave any questions you may have as well.