Watch My New Movie Style Me for Christmas on BET Plus
I’m blessed to be the concept creator and co-writer of this film Style Me for Christmas now streaming on BET Plus. The movie is about Tiffany Ford, played by Raven Goodwin, a fashion designer on the brink of losing everything tries not to fall for a famous R&B heartthrob Tedee Maxwell played by Mario who […]
What’s Your Passion Project? Trailblaze Your Dreams and Reclaim Your Wonder Through Creative Exploration
What’s Your Passion Project? 💖🔥😍 Do you have something that you love to do just for the love of it – not necessarily for monetary gain? A passion project may seem “off-brand” for you. You may reason that it’s unpractical. It might be a business, but it may not be. It may not have any […]
Give Yourself Room to Bloom and Improve in Your Craft and Dreams
It’s okay to embrace that the journey of going toward your dreams and living your purpose is not always going to be picture perfect and that you‘ll have a lot of growing and shedding to do along the way. 🦋 That’s the beautiful thing about big dreams – as you cultivate them and step into […]
Inspiration: You Are Beautiful and Chosen on Purpose
View this post on Instagram A post shared by Julene Fleurmond💖 DreamNetwork (@julenefleurmond) on Sep 16, 2020 at 8:16pm PDT A reminder that you are chosen and you are of royal descent – a divine royalty when you know the King of kings. 👑 He made you His masterpiece 🎨 in the skin you’re in […]

Launch Your Business Dream with Karen and Lavida of Biz Besteez
Innovative ideas that change the world and even million-dollar businesses can really be born even in the hardest most pressuring situations…💎 Meet Lavida and Karen, hosts of Biz Besteez another of our inspiring shows on the Podotron Network. These Biz Besteez teach you how to hone your greatness and launch that business dream you’ve been […]