
Dream Deeper and Bigger: Your Purpose and Love Can Change Lives

Smile๐Ÿ˜€ to brighten someone's day! Dream a dream bigger than you, like Dr. King did, and together we can light up the word! ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ”ฅ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŒŽ God put big dreams in your heart beyond what the world calls success because His biggest Dream is to see all of His kids come back to Him so we all can play and party together some day! โœŒ๐Ÿป๏ธ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ Sometimes I think certain people and situations are in our lives to show us how He can empower us to love radically like Jesus did – the kind of love that don't make sense to most – that's unconditional, not condemning even if we feel hurt (remember our real enemy is invisible and loves to distract us with silly offenses) and is not about our feelings or self interests…the kind of love that the world will scratch it's head at like huh??

A photo posted by Julene ๐Ÿ’– #DareDreamer Network (@daredreamernet) on

I find myself dreaming like Dr. King – there’s the realization that comes that we were sent here to have a greater impact then just sharing our gifts and talents but to embrace a higher purpose. God put big dreams in our hearts beyond what the world calls success because His biggest Dream is to see all of His kids come back to Him. Together we can make the Dream God gave Dr. King an even greater reality by becoming love and peace to everyone we see – even those who wrong us. My big dream is to show kids, youth and former kids who haven’t realized that they were meant to live in joy, peace and love to find a greater purpose through Love. The little girl in me (not naive but full of wonder) still believes that people are good at heart and together we can change the world – I dream like Dr. King that we’ll see all people like God does, full of #purpose and to be loved back to life… #itbehardsometimes ๐Ÿ˜ #butitsbeautiful ๐Ÿ˜€

Below is one of the devotions I wrote for CFNI on this topic of being love to people to change the world:

“โ€ฆAnyone who wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:36

Our culture often looks to crowds and numbers as a measure of influence, especially in our social media-driven world. Even us the Lovers could get distracted by being overly focused on status and boosting our numbers.

Jesus did teach crowds and feed multitudes but He also did significant ministry work on the personal level. There was the moment He looked tenderly into the face of the woman at the well and several times when He stopped to heal determined individuals who were in need.

Loving others is our call, but how often do we leave our comfort zones and the church building to love people one-on-one? Are we too distracted striving to be great to notice individuals God has placed in our path for a greater purpose? When we cultivate relationships with others and genuinely show compassion theyโ€™ll tangibly experience Godโ€™s love.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Love will truly change the world – unconditional, radical love, the type that Jesus demonstrated on the cross – will you be that love and light today? In the last few days this message has been heavy on my heart as we pray for lives that have been lost and the world is looking for light and truth. We see how one person can spread darkness and destruction – what if we all dared to intentionally show love and compassion through our actions and words of kindness? All I know is that Love always wins!


“[Love] does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails! Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!”

How do you treat those who are different from you? Have you ever been in heated conversation with someone with different beliefs? Throughout history, fear and pride have caused people to treat others unjustly and reject and attack those they do not understand. We see this demonstrated when even the people Jesus came to save rejected Him and nailed Him to a cross.
Because God has placed purpose in every person itโ€™s important we learn to see others with eyes of love โ€“ how God sees them. Our culture often conditions us to judge people based on appearance, differences and assumption instead of seeing the gems of great value in them and treasuring their inner beauty and greater purpose.

The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7

Who knows, you could be the one God sends to speak into the identity of those who are heartbroken, or sow seeds of love into the hearts of your friends who are looking for answers. Donโ€™t avoid those who are different but make it your intention to engage with them and develop relationships based on who God says they are. Love will truly change the world – unconditional, radical love, the type that Jesus demonstrated on the cross – will you be that love today?

Letโ€™s ask God to give us eyes to see those who feel invisible and forgotten, the downcast and weary. We can heal the broken-hearted and set captives free through love and service โ€“ if we dare to get uncomfortable and personal. -Julene Fleurmond #cfnidevotionals #relationships Find more inspiration and nourishment for your spirit on my magazine

Below is a video promo for Christ for the Nations that some of my friends are featured in and produced. CFNI is really an inspiring place – whatever your dream is it might be a place to learn to dream DEEPER with a greater mission:


When you have a God-dream ๐Ÿ’– it goes way beyond yourself, it has the good of other people in mind and takes you where you never thought you’d goโ€ฆit’s like you’re a kid on an awesome adventure with your Dad a King๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿฆ better than any movie…๐ŸŽฌ (This pic was taken at Christ for the Nations – these people have truly impacted my life, thank you CFNI!) I used to dream so small, dreams that only included me and my desires and passions but God can teach us to dream with Him and have a passion for His plans, for the broken and the world…๐ŸŒŽ

He has a dream of everyone discovering His love๐Ÿ’ž and truth and being brought back to Him. Let’s dream and partner with our Father to help His dreams come true…give us the nations Daddy, give us a bigger dream and sense of purpose that we couldn’t come up with on our own, to rock this world with Love, Love, Love…๐Ÿ’“ Dream BIG dreams, higher, deeper dreams that have a ripple effect on other people and that require intervention from the One greater than yourself! My mentor Cindy Thienard once wrote me an encouraging note that said: “You have a gift…I am excited and the word of God says! ‘Eyes have not seen๐Ÿ‘€, nor ears have heard๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿผ, nor has it entered into the minds of man the things I have for those who love ME!’ Love God and Dream! So BIG! that only God! can REPLY!” Now THAT’s how we should dream!

Embrace Your Freedom, Share Your Story, Live On Purpose


Everything you’ve been through and maybe are going through is for a greater purpose – not to punish you but to prepare you for your purpose, to strengthen you and give you a story to share that others need to hear…

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Idris Elba and Purdey’s on Learning to Dream Like a Kid Again and Thrive On

A friend shared this video of Idris Elba asking adults what they want to be when they grow up and I loved the message because it’s one I’ve been spreading here…

“When weโ€™re kids, we think, we play, we dream, but as we reach adulthood we tend to slow down. Weโ€™re working with Idris Elba to change this.”

All the Way: Inspiration & Interview With Singer Hannah Schaefer on Living Her Dream

On my site Dream in Soul Hannah Schaefer, a 19-year-old singer, shares her story of stepping out to follow her calling as a singer and learning to trust the process. Her song “All the Way” reminds us that we’re not alone even when we step into the unknown places in life…


“Through my music…I want to bring hope, faith and love with every song I sing/write and change lives.”
– Hannah Schaefer

For this Artist Spotlight feature 19-year-old Hannah Schaefer introduces herself and the story and passion behind her music and the song “All the Way.” Take a listen to the song below and click here to get her EP on iTunes!


Hannah’s Story

I grew up in the small town of Columbia City, Indiana. My childhood memories consists of catching frogs on warm summer nights at my grandparents lake house and, in the winter time, pretending to be a professional snow boarder down the hill in my backyard. I’ve loved growing up in a flyover state where Jesus is frequently the center of it all…


How To Be Free to Live Out Your Amazing Dreams (Major Key;)


Pssst, listen in, I have a secret for you…here’s a major key to living out your dreams – it might surprise ya! Listen below! – Julene