Watch My New Movie Style Me for Christmas on BET Plus
I’m blessed to be the concept creator and co-writer of this film Style Me for Christmas now streaming on BET Plus. The movie is about Tiffany Ford, played by Raven Goodwin, a fashion designer on the brink of losing everything tries not to fall for a famous R&B heartthrob Tedee Maxwell played by Mario who hires her to style his Christmas tour. The movie is all about living your dreams boldly and that love and miracles are possible! Look out for my cameo in a scene with Mario as well – this movie was so fun to film!
Watch the trailer below and stream now on BET Plus and Amazon Prime or YouTube with a subscription:

What’s Your Passion Project? Trailblaze Your Dreams and Reclaim Your Wonder Through Creative Exploration
What’s Your Passion Project? 💖🔥😍
Do you have something that you love to do just for the love of it – not necessarily for monetary gain?
A passion project may seem “off-brand” for you.
You may reason that it’s unpractical.
It might be a business, but it may not be. It may not have any monetary compensation immediately
We may think that others will be mad at us for doing something that is not “disciplined” or what seems like a “waste of time.”
I have a mentor who told me once that our creative passion projects are like intercession – they bring Heaven to Earth – they shift the atmosphere and this realm even if they are done in private.
In terms of business we should aim to create something that meets a need but I want to encourage you to also have a passion project – something you create that you’re passionate about that maybe doesn’t make good business sense. It’s like therapy in a way. I found myself only writing scripts that I thought would sell, or only creating what I thought people needed but often times your passion project is something that nurtures your own soul and helps your mental health and boosts your creativity. It’s something you believe in.
You come alive and will inspire people when you create something you believe in – sometimes it’s to minister to God and grow your own spirit. Often times those passion projects can be jumping points to the life’s work that truly makes you a living, but even more so they help you come alive.
Give Yourself Room to Bloom and Improve in Your Craft and Dreams
It’s okay to embrace that the journey of going toward your dreams and living your purpose is not always going to be picture perfect and that you‘ll have a lot of growing and shedding to do along the way. 🦋 That’s the beautiful thing about big dreams – as you cultivate them and step into the unfamiliar they cause you to flourish as well.
As a caterpillar has to go through darkness and thinks the world is closing in before it emerges as a butterfly know that you’re in a process of becoming better every day when you submit to the path of development.
Give yourself room to bloom and be imperfectly perfected by the grand Gardener…swipe to watch my video message with some encouragement for you. Give yourself and others grace on this journey of purpose because it’s a gift God gives to us. You can be both improving and impactful – often it’s the flaws in our stories that draw others in to know they are not alone. Here’s permission to be on a journey of discovery and thriving where you don’t have to have everything figured out as you blossom into who you’re made to be… 💐🌺👑
Inspiration: You Are Beautiful and Chosen on Purpose
A reminder that you are chosen and you are of royal descent – a divine royalty when you know the King of kings. 👑 He made you His masterpiece 🎨 in the skin you’re in for a greater reason…
I’m going to talk to those of you who are melanated works of art – you are black and you are beautiful. Don’t let a culture and history that often excludes and mistreats those who look like us lie to you and say any different because the history and future God has written has shown that He’s created you and those who look like you for divine purposes.
There’s a reason why the enemy has tried to quiet down black voices for so long because of the truth they are meant to carry so raise yours now and rest yours when you need and choose to. Know that your voice, life and purpose are significant and your story is woven into the tapestry of His story.
Our culture is not a fabric or a trend but an intricate diversity that includes the varieties of or stories and experiences. God created people of every ethnicity on purpose to reflect His Kingdom and creativity – so love your brothers and sisters around you – of all backgrounds and colors. Together we shine even more brilliantly.
You are written on God’s hands and on His heart so live boldly, stand tall and flourish in His radiant love. ❤️🌳🔥
It’s Time to Thrive in Your Life and Wealth: Grow Your Business with a Digital Course
You were made to thrive in life and I want to see more women flourishing in their mental health as well as their wealth! 🌳💖🎉
I’m embarking on a journey to help more women flourish in their lives and want you to join me. For years I’ve been inspired by Amy Porterfield, an amazing entrepreneurship mentor who shares so much insight on how you can turn your expertise (in whatever field) into an online course that helps others and that creates reoccurring revenue in your business. I shared my course theme which is to help women find peace and purpose so that they can have more clarity and are able to destress from all of the overwhelm in life through creative self-care. My doctoral dissertation is on how creativity helps our mental health and productivity and I want to combine it with what God has been teaching me about living in peace and taking care of your full self. 💆🎨💖
Amy poured out so much insight in our session and she goes into so much depth in her trainings about how to share whatever it is you do with the world. I highly recommend her program Digital Course Academy that closes today at 6pm CT. Go check out all of the value she pours out and get started on creating a sustainable business and stream of income – this is for anyone with a dream or passion – I believe you have a course in you! Visit:
P.S. Join me on the journey in my free Facebook group Thriving Life Community where we’ll go on a journey of purpose, healing and creativity wellness… I’ll see you there: