I Can Fly!: My Duct Tape Sculpture
In my sculpture class we made sculptures that were supposed to represent gestures, either abstractly or more literally. We could use any materials we wanted and could build anything we chose. I decided to make a sculpture cast of myself out of duct tape. I got the idea from this artist named Mark Jenkins who has perfected the technique. Check out his Tape Sculpture website for some cool examples of what he and others have done using tape. I love how animated the sculptures are, and how they’re installed in everyday places doing crazy things.
My sculpture was of me flying, and I suspended it from the ceiling of our art building’s gallery. I love how the light hits it and goes through it, and how it seems so weightless. (I do look a little chubby though, :). It took about 6 or 7 rolls of tape to finish it, and some areas are thinner then others because I ran out at the end.

Here’s a video of how Mark Jenkins mades his sculptures, similar to how I made mine, except I used my own body instead of a doll:
Below is my friend Brian’s gesture sculpture. This guy is a genius. Can you believe he made this of of cardboard?