Give Yourself Room to Bloom and Improve in Your Craft and Dreams
It’s okay to embrace that the journey of going toward your dreams and living your purpose is not always going to be picture perfect and that you‘ll have a lot of growing and shedding to do along the way. 🦋 That’s the beautiful thing about big dreams – as you cultivate them and step into the unfamiliar they cause you to flourish as well.
As a caterpillar has to go through darkness and thinks the world is closing in before it emerges as a butterfly know that you’re in a process of becoming better every day when you submit to the path of development.
Give yourself room to bloom and be imperfectly perfected by the grand Gardener…swipe to watch my video message with some encouragement for you. Give yourself and others grace on this journey of purpose because it’s a gift God gives to us. You can be both improving and impactful – often it’s the flaws in our stories that draw others in to know they are not alone. Here’s permission to be on a journey of discovery and thriving where you don’t have to have everything figured out as you blossom into who you’re made to be… 💐🌺👑
It’s Time to Thrive in Your Life and Wealth: Grow Your Business with a Digital Course
You were made to thrive in life and I want to see more women flourishing in their mental health as well as their wealth! 🌳💖🎉
I’m embarking on a journey to help more women flourish in their lives and want you to join me. For years I’ve been inspired by Amy Porterfield, an amazing entrepreneurship mentor who shares so much insight on how you can turn your expertise (in whatever field) into an online course that helps others and that creates reoccurring revenue in your business. I shared my course theme which is to help women find peace and purpose so that they can have more clarity and are able to destress from all of the overwhelm in life through creative self-care. My doctoral dissertation is on how creativity helps our mental health and productivity and I want to combine it with what God has been teaching me about living in peace and taking care of your full self. 💆🎨💖
Amy poured out so much insight in our session and she goes into so much depth in her trainings about how to share whatever it is you do with the world. I highly recommend her program Digital Course Academy that closes today at 6pm CT. Go check out all of the value she pours out and get started on creating a sustainable business and stream of income – this is for anyone with a dream or passion – I believe you have a course in you! Visit:
P.S. Join me on the journey in my free Facebook group Thriving Life Community where we’ll go on a journey of purpose, healing and creativity wellness… I’ll see you there:
Launch Your Business Dream with Karen and Lavida of Biz Besteez

On their show they talk about how to start up your business even within a day, how to create a compelling brand, discovering your unique audience and more. Their latest episode features one of my favorite entrepreneurs Erin On Demand who also is a phenomenal leader and brand strategist sharing wisdom on how to create a business you love that serves others, and innovating amidst everything thrown at you.
Be sure to subscribe to BizBesteez on ITunes and follow their community at for updates! Also take care of your ash situation (it ain’t classy or cute boo even if we’re in quarantine) with Lavida’s line of premium body butters Elle Vie Body Butter! These ladies are successful at what they do and teach you how you can be too!
(⚡️ Dare Dreamer Inner Motivator Moment: Did you know Isaac Newton invented calculus during a plague and Netflix was founded during a recession? I share those not to make you feel bad for how you’re coping but to give a glimmer of hope for when you’re ready to pivot. What if we let the circumstances we face be our incubator that we emerge from more brilliantly instead of caving under pressure… 💎 What gem of a dream is waiting for you to tap into when you dream with God and leverage the ability to create wealth?)
Creative Entrepreneur Courses: Learn Graphic Design, Branding, Merch Design and More
I’ve gotten so many requests to teach others how to develop their brands and do graphics, design merch and do so much more for their businesses so I’m finally launching the Dare Dreamer Creative Entrepreneur Courses. Stay tuned for more on how you can join my special academy for entrepreneurs or aspiring business owners to learn how to present your brand in the best light and make a profit from your passions. What would you want to learn about business, creating your own merch and branding? Sign up at the form below to get updates on my courses and leave any questions you may have as well.
Click here to follow me on Instagram for Updates.
Dream Bigger: Motivational Entrepreneurship Workshops for Kids, Youth and Adults
It’s never too early or too late to dream bigger! 💖 I’ve enjoyed the past few weeks doing workshops and classes on Dreaming Big, entrepreneurship, creative careers like acting, filmmaking and the arts to inspire kids and youth to open their hearts to the kind of dreams they can delve into even right where they are – they don’t have to wait till they’re adults to dream and live big.
The kids I’ve worked with have been writing scripts and filming their ideas, coming up with business ideas, dreaming up careers they’re passionate about and it’s so awesome to see how excited they get hearing stories of people who dream big, invent new creations and break open paths that are beyond what they’ve seen before.
The same goes for us all – dare to dream beyond what’s normal and expected – you may be someone who blazes a trail that others are waiting to walk on to reach their unique calling. Dream, live and love for a greater purpose and inspire those young and more seasoned around you to do so as well!
The book I’m reading to the kids in this pic is Bessie Queen of the Sky by Queen Girls Publishing 👑 – they’re turning stories of real bold women into fairy tales. They recently came out with new books in their series – check out to preorder their new collection!
Want me to come out to speak to a group about entrepreneurship, dreams, arts and embracing your creativity? Contact me by clicking here.