Launch Your Business Dream with Karen and Lavida of Biz Besteez
Innovative ideas that change the world and even million-dollar businesses can really be born even in the hardest most pressuring situations… Meet Lavida and Karen, hosts of Biz Besteez another of our inspiring shows on the Podotron Network. These Biz Besteez teach you how to hone your greatness and launch that business dream you’ve been sitting on – now even in quarantine.
On their show they talk about how to start up your business even within a day, how to create a compelling brand, discovering your unique audience and more. Their latest episode features one of my favorite entrepreneurs Erin On Demand who also is a phenomenal leader and brand strategist sharing wisdom on how to create a business you love that serves others, and innovating amidst everything thrown at you.
Be sure to subscribe to BizBesteez on ITunes and follow their community at for updates! Also take care of your ash situation (it ain’t classy or cute boo even if we’re in quarantine) with Lavida’s line of premium body butters Elle Vie Body Butter! These ladies are successful at what they do and teach you how you can be too!
( Dare Dreamer Inner Motivator Moment: Did you know Isaac Newton invented calculus during a plague and Netflix was founded during a recession? I share those not to make you feel bad for how you’re coping but to give a glimmer of hope for when you’re ready to pivot. What if we let the circumstances we face be our incubator that we emerge from more brilliantly instead of caving under pressure… What gem of a dream is waiting for you to tap into when you dream with God and leverage the ability to create wealth?)
Join in on the community with Karen and Lavida at
On their show they talk about how to start up your business even within a day, how to create a compelling brand, discovering your unique audience and more. Their latest episode features one of my favorite entrepreneurs Erin On Demand who also is a phenomenal leader and brand strategist sharing wisdom on how to create a business you love that serves others, and innovating amidst everything thrown at you.
Be sure to subscribe to BizBesteez on ITunes and follow their community at for updates! Also take care of your ash situation (it ain’t classy or cute boo even if we’re in quarantine) with Lavida’s line of premium body butters Elle Vie Body Butter! These ladies are successful at what they do and teach you how you can be too!
( Dare Dreamer Inner Motivator Moment: Did you know Isaac Newton invented calculus during a plague and Netflix was founded during a recession? I share those not to make you feel bad for how you’re coping but to give a glimmer of hope for when you’re ready to pivot. What if we let the circumstances we face be our incubator that we emerge from more brilliantly instead of caving under pressure… What gem of a dream is waiting for you to tap into when you dream with God and leverage the ability to create wealth?)
“Entrepreneurship can be lonely, especially if your loved ones and friends don’t know anything about business. Lavida and Karen know first hand the challenges of running an e-commerce brand from their journeys of self-employment and working in corporate. From wins to losses, these women have built a friendship not just in their personal lives but in business as well.” – Biz Besteez
Join in on the community with Karen and Lavida at
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