Paint In Peace Art Therapy and Relaxation Courses

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When we were kids we were all artists 👩‍🎨 – and we all still are, it’s just a matter of reclaiming your freedom to dream and create. Throwback to on set of a commercial I filmed for a beauty brand where they featured me doing one of my favorite things: creating art đź–Ľ and painting🎨. I’ve loved art since I was a little girl and won so many art contests back then which led me to start my business to do art and design for others. I’ve been studying in grad school how art and play helps kids and adults to relax, de-stress and be more productive and creative in other areas of their lives. It’s like therapy and a spark that helps you fuel your creativity in an age where screens and social media cause so much mental distress and anxiety.

For the past few years I’ve been teaching kids how they can use the arts and entrepreneurship to enrich their lives partnering with organizations to bring my workshops to schools and events. Now I’m teaching adults how to enrich their lives through art by adding it to their self-care and relaxation routine.

No previous art expertise required – we’re gonna reclaim our childhood creativity and embrace the gift God gave us that is art to be like Him our Creator and create. Art allows us to tap into the creative side of our minds and is scientifically proven to help you feel less stressed and more imaginative in other parts of your life. The workshops also include teachings on how to practically live in peace and reclaim your childlike creativity to be able to dream big again with God. So come Paint in Peace with us… let me know if you’re interested and sign up on the subscription list below to find out more about the online courses (and let me know if I can bring a Paint in Peace workshop to your upcoming event, I love teaching and helping others grow).

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When we were kids we were all artists 👩‍🎨 – and we all still are, it’s just a matter of reclaiming your freedom to dream and create. Throwback to on set of a commercial I filmed for a beauty brand where they featured me doing one of my favorite things: creating art đź–Ľ and painting🎨. I’ve loved art since I was a little girl and won so many art contests back then which led me to start my business to do art and design for others. I’ve been studying in grad school how art and play helps kids and adults to relax, de-stress and be more productive and creative in other areas of their lives. It’s like therapy and a spark that helps you fuel your creativity in an age where screens and social media cause so much mental distress and anxiety.

For the past few years I’ve been teaching kids how they can use the arts and entrepreneurship to enrich their lives partnering with organizations to bring my workshops to schools and events. Now I’m teaching adults how to enrich their lives through art by adding it to their self-care and relaxation routine.

No previous art expertise required – we’re gonna reclaim our childhood creativity and embrace the gift God gave us that is art to be like Him our Creator and create. Art allows us to tap into the creative side of our minds and is scientifically proven to help you feel less stressed and more imaginative in other parts of your life. The workshops also include teachings on how to practically live in peace and reclaim your childlike creativity to be able to dream big again with God. So come Paint in Peace with us… let me know if you’re interested and sign up on the subscription list on to find out more about the online courses (and let me know if I can bring a Paint in Peace workshop to your upcoming event, I love teaching and helping others grow).

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