DreamFood Morsels: Focus on Your Purpose


It’s easy to get distracted if you’re not sure where you’re going or are not passionate enough to keep going. It’s when we take the time to find out what our purpose is that life becomes more meaningful…

We tend to look at celebrities and those who are in the limelight as those who are significant in society, but in reality everyone on Earth was born with equal worth and the potential to do something amazing. The aim though is not to be amazing to merely impress but to enrich the lives of those around you.

When you’ve found that passion that makes your heart beat faster or that cause that makes you come alive, life becomes more then simply absorbing each experience as it comes along. Focusing on the questions “what moves me in life?” and “how can my talents make a difference?” is a better investment of time then asking “how I can get more, be helped or be entertained.”

When you know and are focused on your purpose you are more able to appreciate, help and encourage others living out theirs. When you’re just doing enough to get by or confused about your calling you’re more likely to compare, judge, envy, copy, compete for attention, or worry about others’ opinions. It can be easy to get distracted – so focused on finding out what others are doing that you are wasting time, or or “overly inspired” – paralyzed into in-action or reasoning to yourself that what you are to do is insignificant.

The important thing to remember is that we’re all unique, and there’s enough success for everyone. What you have to offer is also unique and important, so if you keep it bottled up inside we all suffer. Get rooted in your purpose and give yourself the time to get grounded in what you were made to do that has the potential to help others. While your living out your purpose, you’re in a better position to be of benefit and inspire those who may be hesitant of doing what they were meant to do, and both you and the world will benefit.

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